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Compiler options can be specified using MSBuild properties within an MSBuild project.




Compiler Option | MSBuild Property Name | Allowed Values ---------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|----------------- --allowJs | Not supported in MSBuild | --allowSyntheticDefaultImports | TypeScriptAllowSyntheticDefaultImports | boolean --allowUnreachableCode | TypeScriptAllowUnreachableCode | boolean --allowUnusedLabels | TypeScriptAllowUnusedLabels | boolean --baseUrl | TypeScriptBaseUrl | File path --charset | TypeScriptCharset | --declaration | TypeScriptGeneratesDeclarations | boolean --declarationDir | TypeScriptDeclarationDir | File path --diagnostics | Not supported in MSBuild | --emitBOM | TypeScriptEmitBOM | boolean --emitDecoratorMetadata | TypeScriptEmitDecoratorMetadata | boolean --experimentalAsyncFunctions | TypeScriptExperimentalAsyncFunctions | boolean --experimentalDecorators | TypeScriptExperimentalDecorators | boolean --forceConsistentCasingInFileNames | TypeScriptForceConsistentCasingInFileNames | boolean --help | Not supported in MSBuild | --inlineSourceMap | TypeScriptInlineSourceMap | boolean --inlineSources | TypeScriptInlineSources | boolean --init | Not supported in MSBuild | --isolatedModules | TypeScriptIsolatedModules | boolean --jsx | TypeScriptJSXEmit | React or Preserve --lib | TypeScriptLib | Comma-separated list of strings --listEmittedFiles | Not supported in MSBuild | --listFiles | Not supported in MSBuild | --locale | automatic | Automatically set to PreferredUILang value --mapRoot | TypeScriptMapRoot | File path --module | TypeScriptModuleKind | AMD, CommonJs, UMD, System or ES6 --moduleResolution | TypeScriptModuleResolution | Classic or Node --newLine | TypeScriptNewLine | CRLF or LF --noEmit | Not supported in MSBuild | --noEmitHelpers | TypeScriptNoEmitHelpers | boolean --noEmitOnError | TypeScriptNoEmitOnError | boolean --noFallthroughCasesInSwitch | TypeScriptNoFallthroughCasesInSwitch | boolean --noImplicitAny | TypeScriptNoImplicitAny | boolean --noImplicitReturns | TypeScriptNoImplicitReturns | boolean --noImplicitThis | TypeScriptNoImplicitThis | boolean --noImplicitUseStrict | TypeScriptNoImplicitUseStrict | boolean --noUnusedLocals | TypeScriptNoUnusedLocals | boolean --noUnusedParameters | TypeScriptNoUnusedParameters | boolean --noLib | TypeScriptNoLib | boolean --noResolve | TypeScriptNoResolve | boolean --out | TypeScriptOutFile | File path --outDir | TypeScriptOutDir | File path --outFile | TypeScriptOutFile | File path --paths | Not supported in MSBuild | --preserveConstEnums | TypeScriptPreserveConstEnums | boolean --listEmittedFiles | Not supported in MSBuild | --pretty | Not supported in MSBuild | --reactNamespace | TypeScriptReactNamespace | string --removeComments | TypeScriptRemoveComments | boolean --rootDir | TypeScriptRootDir | File path --rootDirs | Not supported in MSBuild | --skipLibCheck | TypeScriptSkipLibCheck | boolean --skipDefaultLibCheck | TypeScriptSkipDefaultLibCheck | boolean --sourceMap | TypeScriptSourceMap | File path --sourceRoot | TypeScriptSourceRoot | File path --strictNullChecks | TypeScriptStrictNullChecks | File path --suppressExcessPropertyErrors | TypeScriptSuppressExcessPropertyErrors | boolean --suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors | TypeScriptSuppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors | boolean --target | TypeScriptTarget | ES3, ES5, or ES6 --traceResolution | Not supported in MSBuild | --types | Not supported in MSBuild | --typeRoots | Not supported in MSBuild | --watch | Not supported in MSBuild | MSBuild only option | TypeScriptAdditionalFlags | Any compiler option

What is supported in my version of Visual Studio?

Look in your C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets file. The authoritative mappings between MSBuild XML tags and tsc compiler options live in there.


The value of <TypeScriptToolsVersion>1.7</TypeScriptToolsVersion> property in the project file identifies the compiler version to use to build (1.7 in this example). This allows a project to build against the save versions of the compiler on different machines.

If TypeScriptToolsVersion is not specified, the latest compiler version installed on the machine will be used to build.

Users using newer versions of TS, will see a prompt to upgrade their project on first load.


If you are using a different build tool to build your project (e.g. gulp, grunt , etc.) and VS for the development and debugging experience, set <TypeScriptCompileBlocked>true</TypeScriptCompileBlocked> in your project. This should give you all the editing support, but not the build when you hit F5.


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